12 Glazing Facts You Never Knew

Glass is such a versatile and important material in which we are surrounded by on a daily basis, yet many do not realise the broad spectrum of glass that is available, and the various ways it can be used. That’s why we have listed our top 12 glazing facts we bet you never knew.

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  1. 44% of the windows in Europe’s buildings are still single glazed.
  1. Less than 15% of Europe’s windows contain energy-saving glass whereas these solutions have been available on the market for over 20 years.
  1. Savings of more than 100 million tonnes of CO2 could be achieved annually with the use of energy efficient glass.
  1. Triple glazing has three panels with additional air pockets, meaning heat does not seep through at a fast pace. This can also prevent condensation dramatically.
  1. By installing well insulated glazing, condensation problems on the room-side of the window can be greatly reduced.
  1. The earliest known glass artefacts are Egyptian and date back to 1350BC, but it was the Romans who first produced transparent glass, as it enabled them to admire the colour of their wine.
  1. For almost 500 years, from the end of the 14th century until the 19th, no glass was made in China at all. Now, though, it is the world’s largest producer, controlling 34 per cent of the global market.
  1. Glass can be recycled indefinitely and not lose its quality.
  1. Before man discovered how to craft glass, nature was already making it. When lightning strikes sand, the heat sometimes fuses the sand into long, slender glass tubes called fulgurites. The intense heat of a volcanic eruption sometimes fuses rocks and sand into a glass called obsidian. In early times, people shaped obsidian into knives, jewellery and money.
  1. The energy saving from recycling just one bottle will power a 100 watt light bulb for almost an hour, and can power a computer for up to 20 minutes.
  1. On average, every family in the UK consumes around 330 glass bottles and jars each year.
  1. Glass is pure. It is made of three abundant, natural raw materials: Sand, limestone and soda ash – as well as recycled glass.

If you are thinking about updating the glazing in your home or commercial property, call a reputable and professional glazing company such as Glaziers Essex.