cheap double glazing

Want Cheap Double Glazing? Try Clingfilm!

As we’re approaching those cold November nights, double glazing can go a long way towards keeping both the drafts out and the heating bills down.

But should you happen to live in a more humble abode and are unable to afford double glazing, blogger The Wartime Housewife has a wonderful suggestion that will insulate your home and cost you no more than a couple of quid.

Her secret ingredients? Clingfilm, cellotape and a hair-dryer. By taping the clingfilm across the windows frame and tightening it with a hair-dryer, you are essentially trapping air within and reducing heat transfer… which is exactly the same principle as is behind double glazing.

While the budget fix might look a little ghastly, some curtains or Venetian blinds will help cover your “shame”.

You can read the guide here and perhaps save yourself the extortionate fees a glazier would charge for upgrading your windows.